Developing Antiracist Boards: Liberatory Governance

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Description: Which board governance approaches will best serve our collective liberation? At this session, we will delve into the history of how boards came to be, discuss what it means to be an antiracist board, and learn about innovative approaches to nonprofit governance. 

Trainer: Ananda Valenzuela

Trainer Bio

Ananda Valenzuela (any pronouns) is an independent consultant engaged in professional interim executive director work and organizational development facilitation, with a particular focus on equitable self-management and liberatory practices. He is also the co-chair of the board of Change Elemental, and member of the board of Hampshire College. They have served as the interim executive director at three organizations and have provided capacity-building supports to a wide range of entities. Ananda grew up in Puerto Rico and slowly made her way across the United States, holding a variety of consultant, governance, and activist roles along the way.