Erica Lane, Fundraising and Alumni Relations Manager

Erica Lane is a passionate advocate for community engagement and a true people-person at heart. With passion and an unwavering commitment to fostering connections, Erica has dedicated her career to making a positive impact on the communities she serves. Over the years, Erica’s love for community engagement has run deep. She firmly believes that strong communities are the foundation of a vibrant society. With years of experience working in the nonprofit, academic, and private sectors, she's honed her skills in bringing people together, creating bonds, and nurturing a sense of belonging.

Erica is on a mission to empower individuals to be active participants in their communities. She understands that when people are engaged and involved, communities flourish. Her work is guided by the belief that every voice matters, and she strives to ensure that everyone has a seat at the table. Whether she’s organizing community events, launching programs, or facilitating open dialogues on critical issues, Erica excels in forging connections between individuals, organizations, and institutions, creating an environment where collaboration and progress are the norm.

As the Fundraising and Alumni Relations Manager at Leadership Tomorrow, Erica brings a dynamic blend of leadership, fundraising expertise, and a deep commitment to community development. With a passion for nurturing relationships and a vision for creating lasting impact, Erica will play a pivotal role in ensuring the organization's continued growth and success. When she's not busy strengthening communities, you can find Erica enjoying all things fitness-related, eating her way around the world, Facetime with her grandma, or volunteering her time for causes close to her heart. With her boundless enthusiasm and genuine love for people, Erica is a true force for positive change in the world of community engagement.