Resourcing Resilience for White People

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Description: In this workshop, we will explore embodiment and mindfulness based practice to increase our capacity to embody our antiracist values. As white folks, many of us have not developed the emotional stamina and capacity necessary to  stay grounded in and act from our antiracist commitments when our nervous systems are activated. And yet these muscles are essential for showing up in deep allyship when the rubber hits the road-- from receiving feedback to skillfully calling in our white siblings. While this workshop is not a training in a systemic analysis of how white supremacy functions,  having an intellectual analysis will be helpful for more deeply rooting into the practices. 

Trainer: Anna-Brown Griswold

Trainer Bio

Anna-Brown Griswold is a trauma therapist and facilitator on Coast Salish/Duwamish land known as Seattle. For the last twenty-five years she has been experimenting with how to integrate the transformative power of meditative practice, the skills of psychotherapy, and a good dose of anti-racist analysis to challenge and dismantle oppression.

Working primarily with white-bodied folks, she offers support and tools for mindfulness and social justice: Somatic and emotional capacity building; Tools to develop stamina, resilience, and relational connection; A somatic, emotion, and cognitive lens on how systems of oppression play out at individual, relational, and organizational levels

Undoing cultural and structural white supremacy requires white folks to digest pain, trauma, and emotion while maintaining and strengthening connection. She helps individuals, groups, organizations, and communities engaging in this work.